The process to create change
Changing our unconscious mind sounds like a daunting task, if not impossible.
How do we even fix our subconscious mind? It’s not like we can open up the brain and remove and replace all the damaged parts. Changing these hardwired connections in our subconsciousness takes time and a lot of repetition.
The goal is to change the underlying program that our subconscious mind runs beneath the surface, and to create new positive programming that overrides the old negative one. To be able to achieve this we need to create new positive habits and thoughts. These will eventually become a pattern and a new program that our unconscious brain run by. To reprogram our subconscious mind, we need to become aware of the habits and thoughts we currently have. It is what we repeatedly think about and what we focus our attention on that we neurologically become.
“If we want to change something in our life, we have to cause the brain to no longer fire in the same old sequences and combinations. We have to create a new level of mind by disconnecting the old neural circuits and rewiring our brain in new patterns of nerve cell connections.” Evolve Your Brain – Unlimited with Dr Joe Dispenza
To create this new pattern, we need to place our attention on what we want to achieve. But It doesn’t end there. Any real and lasting change is a process of first thinking, doing, and then being. Dr. Joe Dispenza explains this this process at length in his book Evolve Your Brain: The Science of Changing Your Mind.
“If I want to truly be a pianist, I will start by acquiring knowledge, which involves thinking. Then I can start to gain experience through mental rehearsal, which again involves thinking. I also have to involve the body in the act of doing – physically demonstrating what I’ve intellectually learned – by playing the piano. But that isn’t going far enough. Imagine a concert pianist who does her best work in practice sessions, but struggles during a concert. If I want to attain the state of being a pianist, my evolved understanding and my skills must become so hardwired and mapped into my brain that I no longer have to consciously think about playing, because my subconscious mind now handles that skill. Now that I am being a pianist, any thought I have about playing, or desire to express my feelings through music, will automatically turn my body on to carry out the task of playing the piano” Evolve Your Brain – Unlimited with Dr Joe Dispenza
Every time we learn a skill so well we can do it automatically, we go from thinking, to doing to being. The skill we learnt has become our second nature, something we perform on autopilot. This process can be used to obtain any state of being that we choose whether it be a concert pianist, being a more patient parent, or having high frequency energy.