
Everything is energy

Through our senses, of sight, smell, taste, sound and touch we perceive the world in which we live and divide it into that which belong to the physical and non- physical reality. The apples we eat are physical matter while what we are streaming on Netflix is in the realm of energy waves.

It was around 1925 that physicists adopted a new view of the physical reality. One that doesn’t view energy and matter as two separates, but as one concept. This new approach became known as quantum mechanics.  

“Originally, science thought that atoms were made up of smaller particles of matter (electrons, neutrons, and protons), however modern physicists found that these subatomic particles were actually immaterial energy vortices (resembling nano-scaled tornados). In truth, atoms are made out of energy and not physical matter. So everything that we thought was physical matter is in reality made up of focused energy waves or vibrations.” Interview with Bruce in Planeta Magazine – Part one | Bruce H. Lipton, PhD (brucelipton.com)

Quantum mechanics then went on to explain that the entire Universe is made out of energy. And that this energy is held together by an invisible energy field. That leads us to the presumption that there is no physical and non-physical reality. Everything is energy. It is only our perception through our experienced senses that make some things appear more physical than others, like your body. Our bodies are a community of 50 trillion cells functioning together. Each of these cells consist of some trillion atoms, and these atoms are immaterial energy vortices held together by a unique energy frequency. It is our perception that makes the body and all other material things appear to be physical objects.

“Medicine sees the body as strictly a mechanical device composed of physical biochemicals and genes. If the operation of the body is dis-eased, medicine uses physical drugs and chemistry to heal the body. In the quantum universe, it is recognized that invisible energy fields and physical molecules cooperate in creating life. In fact, quantum mechanics recognizes that the invisible moving forces of the field are the primary factors that shape matter. At the very leading edge of biophysics today, scientists are also recognizing that the body’s molecules are actually controlled by vibrational energy frequencies, so that light, sound and other electromagnetic energies profoundly influence all the functions of life. This new insight about the power of energyforces provides an understanding of how Asian energy medicine (e.g., acupuncture, feng shui), homeopathy, chiropractic and other complementary healing modalities influence health.

Among the “energy” forces that control biology are the electromagnetic fields that are generated by the mind. The “new biology” emphasizes the role of the mind as the primary factor influencing health. This is an important difference because it acknowledges that we are not necessarily victims of the biology, and that with proper understanding we can use the mind as a power that controls life. In this reality, since we can control our thoughts, we become masters of our biology and not victims of hardwired genes”. Interview with Bruce in Planeta Magazine – Part 2 | Bruce H. Lipton, PhD (brucelipton.com)

The placebo effect is responsible for over one third of all medical healings, including surgery.* And medical science has recognized this role of the mind in creating healing placebo effects for nearly 75 years. The placebo effect is the healing of a disease due to that person’s belief that the operation, drug, or otherwise is going to work, even though nothing took place. It is the thinking and believing that healed- the action of the mind.  Still, the power if the mind is not incorporated in conventional biology, and physical drugs and chemistry is the “preferred” method for healing any disease.

The body is highly influenced by the electromagnetic fields that are generated by the mind. Every thought is a form of energy frequency that is sent into our system. On a regular day, more than 70% of our thoughts are negative, disempowering and self- sabotaging. Considering we think more than 6000 thoughts a day, that accumulates a whole lot of negative energy going through our mind and into our bodies.

*THINK Beyond Your Genes – October 2018 | Bruce H. Lipton, PhD (brucelipton.com)

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