The energy at birth
The energy of childbirth is perhaps one of the most intense experience a person can have. Both the mother and the baby are going through an extreme process. And the total flow of emotions ranging from excitement, fear, determination, despair and overwhelming joy and love creates a massive impact on everyone involved. The energy in the room is a most unique energy. It is the miracle of life, and a new person is brought into this world.
Since my first birth I have wanted to create and have a birth less filled with stress and the rush that affected that first birth. My wish was a more balanced and relaxing atmosphere. Where the midwife is at your side the entire time, and not rushing of to some other emergency. Which is why I chose to have a homebirth the second and third time around. The energy of a homebirth is something entirely different. You are already vell acquainted with the midwife. And together with the familiar comfort of your home and the knowing that all focus is on your wellbeing this brings a most serene and trusting atmosphere. Not that this in any way compares with spending an afternoon being pampered in a spa, all relaxed and worry-free. The energy of any birth is quite intense. And the pain and intensity of a contraction is just as excruciating in a homebirth as it is in a hospital. But the attentiveness and the follow-up you get from your midwife surpasses what you receive at the hospital and creates a very calming energy and a feeling of safeness.
A year ago today I gave birth to my third child. As the end of my pregnancy was close the excitement and anticipation was growing strong. This being my third pregnancy, I was feeling the heaviness and strain it put on my body. And during the last few weeks everything got so heavy and painful. I was so eager and ready to get things started. “Come New Year’s Eve the baby can come at any time. Fine by me!” (my actual due date was estimated to January 24th). But you can’t force a birth to begin, at least not the natural way. The birth will begin when the baby and the body is ready. This I know. Very clearly. But knowing and doing is two completely different things. Especially when you have a 7,5-pound baby, squeezing on all your intestines. And shifting position to try to get just a wink of sleep turns into a major project that acquires the most detailed planning and precise execution.
The energy of forcing an outcome, only leads to impatience, despair and not the right progress- if any at all. It was only when I completely resigned, surrendered and accepted the idea that the baby will not be born when I want it to that the situation changed. I slowly leaned into the idea that “I will probably go long past my due date, then I have to give birth in the hospital, and that will be fine too.” Tired and “defeated” I let go of my plans, I stopped my waiting and just got on with everything else. I did my yoga- practice, chose to be content and happy and went to bed. Late at night I woke up with what I very soon confirmed to be contractions. And so, it began. As if by magic, everything had just changed by surrendering to the plan of the universe and changing my energy from needy to accepting.
I would get even more practice in the exercise of surrendering in the hours to come. Everything I had planned, the relaxing music, the Pilates ball I bought for this occasion, and anything else was completely discarded. Because everything just happened, and it happened fast.
Although there was a slight stress and rush in the background, my husband trying to get the other kids ready and off to school, I never really noticed or felt it. I was completely at one with what was happening in my body. I was relaxed, and I felt my intuition guiding me through all the steps. I was being one with mother nature. And our energy was connected. I felt safe and taken care of. This energy helped ease the pain and to keep going. As things progressed everything got so intense, I was no longer present in the room, only in the intensity of the incredible work my body was doing. Then the baby was finally born, and everything entered into peacefulness and love. It was an amazing experience to be in this flow, and to be one with the energy of nature.
I was blessed with a healthy baby and the most enjoyable and magical homebirth.
Happy Birthday, little darling!