How yoga can help you release negative energy stored in your body
All around us everything is in a constant state of radiating and receiving energy. And the frequency spends from light to dark energy. Whereas light energy is coming from a place of love, it is infinite and feels effortless, dark energy comes from a place of fear and brings density and heaviness. Through the electromagnetic field your body radiates you will attract what matches your frequency. So if you are feeling a lot of negativity and being stuck in this dark and dense energy you will attract negative experiences, relationship, etc. All these experiences is signalled into your body in the form of the negative emotions you feel while having these experiences, thus keeping the circle of negativity going and upholding your negative frequency.
In your everyday life acute or chronic, psychological and emotional negativity can be a regular experience. Negativity can make you feel heavy, dark, and gloomy, but your mind and body are so deeply intertwined that every mental and emotional negativity also has a physical counterpart in the form of symptoms and ailments in your body.
When you are stressed mentally, your body and organs are stressed too. The body reacts by increasing the adrenalin and cortisol that flows through your body. This leads to tense muscles, shallow breathing and poor oxygen circulation, increased blood pressure and raised heartbeats. Negative energy works as a toxin to your system. And when this negative energy or emotions gets stuck in your system it can lead to various kinds of physical ailment and disease.
When you are in a state of stress, your body responds by tightening or clenching. This happens through a tightening of the shoulders and clenching fists. When you are experiencing a stressing situation over time you notice this tension and you begin to suffer through aches and stiffness in the neck and shoulders and headaches. But what isn’t visible when you experience stress is a tightening of your hips that is happening simultaneously as the tightening of the shoulder and fists.
A lot of our emotions are stored in our hips. Just like people who are stressed a lot have extremely tight shoulders/neck, someone who has experienced trauma has extremely tight hips. Any time you experience a traumatic event, your hips lock the trauma in and store it for hours, days, even years. The tightening of your hips is more severe in a traumatic event than in everyday stress. But over time stress will build up and create the same tightness.
To help release the emotions and energy that builds up in this part of the body, you can perform certain yoga exercises that focuses on opening your hips and stretching through the tissue surrounding the hips and inner thigh. By stretching and breathing through this area you will being to activate your subtle energetic system where negative impressions and emotions often get stuck, and when energy is flowing without interference, the negativity begins to break up. Also, by increasing the circulations in this area you will flush out toxins that have build up ( such as residual stress hormones).
The hip-opening yoga exercises that will be extremely beneficial include cat-cow pose, wide legged child pose, horse pose, pigeon pose and more.
For inspiration and a guided yoga session you can try the video included below. Sonia Doubell is the founder of “Moving Energy Yoga”, a gentle practice that specifically aims at creating an inner environment that supports the body’s self-healing wisdom. I followed her “Beautiful Pregnancy Yoga” through my last pregnancy and have loved her “Total Body Yoga” ever since I first tried it.