Frequency upgrade
Recently I had the privilege and joy of getting a frequency upgrade by Kaya Usher. Kaya uses frequency work to remove old and distorted programs in our consciousness, leaving us free to pursue and become our optimal selves. Why is frequency important? As I have mentioned earlier in previous blogs everything is energy, including your body. Frequency is the active force that permeates everything. When a wrong frequency is stuck somewhere in your system you become out of balance and alignment with your optimal self. These are frequencies that hold a lower vibration such as fear, worry, anger or judgment. All cause a negative emotion and hold you down in…
Reclaiming yourself after the pandemic
Now that the situation surrounding the pandemic is somewhat cooling down. Are you ready to be going back to the life you had and embrace the joy of living? The pandemic is nowhere near settled, we still face multiple challenges, new mutations, many are still waiting to get their vaccine and there is an ever-changing policy form local and national authority concerning what is permitted and not. The guidelines are somewhat cluttered, and it is not always easy to interpret the rules correctly. But the world is opening up more and more and we are awaiting to return to the natural rhythm. Are you ready to resume to your previous…