Reclaiming yourself after the pandemic
Now that the situation surrounding the pandemic is somewhat cooling down. Are you ready to be going back to the life you had and embrace the joy of living? The pandemic is nowhere near settled, we still face multiple challenges, new mutations, many are still waiting to get their vaccine and there is an ever-changing policy form local and national authority concerning what is permitted and not. The guidelines are somewhat cluttered, and it is not always easy to interpret the rules correctly. But the world is opening up more and more and we are awaiting to return to the natural rhythm. Are you ready to resume to your previous day to day rhythm, being social, going to events, concerts, matches…? With over a year with altered lifestyle, lockdown, carefulness and social distance that comfort zone has narrowed down to a complete minimum and even the smallest social event might seem like a daunting task. Are you ready to start expanding your life again, or have you changed somehow? Have the past year and a half altered you in some ways, are you still the same person you were? Have you even asked yourself these questions?
If you take a moment and just settle into your body. Grounding yourself, relaxing your breath. How does it feel? Take a few moments to feel into your body. Do you notice any sensations, any difference? What is coming up for you, what sensations are your body experiencing. Is it tiredness, surrenderedness, brokenness or are you feeling optimistic and relieved, sensing a new beginning?
Are you experiencing a sadness for loosing your old way of living, with your mind and body lingering in the past and yearning to go back to all that once was before the pandemic or are you embracing this transformation and feeling into a bright and positive future? For most people the reality is probably somewhere in-between. We have made peace with a lot of new changes and got accustomed to living in a different way, yet there are some parts of our old self we want to revive now that the situation is calming. The question is where do we even begin? How do we break out from our own comfort zone and begin to indulge in life’s splendour again? And which parts do we choose to continue to have with us and what do we leave behind?
The new routines we have created during the pandemic has lasted for a long period of time, and they have become habits and our way of living. And long-lasting habits become programming in our subconscious mind, creating our reality. To some extent we have become socially distanced, sceptic and resigned people due to the restrictions inflicted upon us. How do we break out from that subconscious programming? When the world has changed, and what was normal is no longer an alternative. How do you start taking back life and begin to reprogram the mind to create a new future filled with all the joyful experiences and events you desire?
The important thing is to do something. Something other than your current routine. It doesn’t matter how big or small, the most important thing is just to do something. Break the pattern! Break your daily routine. Do something unexpected, something different from what you did yesterday and the day before. This is about breaking the habitual firing and wiring that happens in your brain and begin the creation of new neurological circuits by doing something new or different.
If you are not able to go out to new destinations or travel you can visualise. Begin to practice Visualising your future. Doing the things you would love to do, having the experiences, traveling to see new cultures and places. And feel into the body as you do this. What are the sensations you feel when you fully embody this future? Are you able to feel joy, optimism, excitement? All these emotions will help break the old programming. You will be able to change your old programming by taking action, one step at the time.
This is the perfect timing for a new beginning! A great opportunity to start over and redefine who you are and to use this situation to transform yourself into a higher version of yourself. Visualise exactly that. What do you want your future to be like? Free yourself from everything that once was, and dive into the new uncharted future.
What will we as a collective humanity take from the time and trials we have been through? Will it just be a burdensome experience we all want to move on from and forget? On a personal level we have all been affected somehow and we have changed along with it, barely noticeable or on a grand scale. The pandemic has also affected us on a global scale, altered and broken down some of the structures and ways of living. But has it changed us as a collective humanity? Has it influenced our values or our way of seeing life and our connection to others? Well, I think so. That we are more focused on people and experiences, rather then material wealth. And we value connection and belonging, being part of something instead of individually showing off our success. The changes that have happened through the pandemic is merely the beginning of a transformation and how we evolve into the future. And depending on how much we are stuck in the past or how much we are willing to embrace the new and unsettled future this change will continue to unfold globally for us to be part of.