
Frequency upgrade

Recently I had the privilege and joy of getting a frequency upgrade by Kaya Usher. Kaya uses frequency work to remove old and distorted programs in our consciousness, leaving us free to pursue and become our optimal selves. Why is frequency important? As I have mentioned earlier in previous blogs everything is energy, including your body. Frequency is the active force that permeates everything. When a wrong frequency is stuck somewhere in your system you become out of balance and alignment with your optimal self. These are frequencies that hold a lower vibration such as fear, worry, anger or judgment. All cause a negative emotion and hold you down in a dense and unbalanced self. The goal is to have an auto setting on a higher frequency. The emotions of joy, compassion, unconditional love and gratitude are of the highest frequency, and the more we are able to linger in these frequencies the more health, happiness and transformation we will experience.

In many cases we may be unaware of the low frequencies we hold. They are the result of the programming our mind runs by. Programs are traits, habits, characteristics and behaviours we have inherited or adopted though our DNA, family lineage and the experiences we have had, and it is these programs that cause mort of our diseases and dysfunctions. Frequency work aim to release those underlying programs that do not serve us. Our body holds a very unique and specific Frequency a type of signature or blueprint that transmits and receives energy and information.

“Frequency Work is a modality that goes to the deepest level of an individual and their frequency signature/blueprint. Frequency Work is a new science with a body of data that continues to be accumulated and analysed. Due to the depth Frequency Work operates at, its affects are fast, efficient and long-lasting. Frequency work IS the new frontier of health and wellness because it goes to our very core or sub-quantum level of existence.”  How This Works – Kaya Usher UnlimitedKaya Usher Unlimited

During the session I immediately felt a sensation of energy circling around me, first my head then the entire body. As the low frequencies were removed, I experienced coming into a new self, a pain and heaviness was removed from my hip area and a new creative force came flushing, my heart extended, and I felt this lightness and clarity. A fog began to clear from my mind.

As I was in deep mediation during the session I felt almost as my body lifted, I felt so light. Then I stood on an open filed looking up to the sky and the heavy clouds began to shift and beyond was a starry clear night sky. I could see myself clearly, and I began to understand myself. Waking up from this mediation I felt a warmth surrounding me. Like being embraced in a comforting hug or blanket. And I felt connected, connected to my pure self.

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