Winter Solstice- Setting your intentions for 2022.
The winter solstice marks the onset of winter. December 21th- is when we have the shortest day and the longest night. Starting from tomorrow the days will continue to get longer, and the light will return once again. The winter solstice also marks the rebirth of the sun, the return of the light, and it is a powerful time to set your intentions for the coming year. As we say goodbye to the darkness, we can choose to leave behind the parts of ourselves that no longer serves us, and release bad habits and limiting thoughts. And with this new energy, as we welcome the light back into our lives…
Keeping Christmas: The Year COVID stole Christmas, and every joyful celebration.
REPOST FROM 2020: To many of us Christmas and New Year’s was different this year. It was celebrated in a quiet manner, in solitude or small numbers. Not what we had planned for and needed after an already though year. As if we were cheated from it. Well, just add it to the pile of occasions and life events that were taken away from us last year. The entire year was different. Nothing got so grand that we were hoping for or expecting. We are experiencing a world pandemic, and “grand” living is not to be expected. But it has been a tough year for us all. And everyone has…
Energy Revolution- 21.12.2020
Celebrating the 1 year anniversary! Tomorrow it will be 1 year since my first post and the creation and birth of Energy Revolution. It has been a busy year, with many distractions. But also many new ideas. And the concept of Energy Revolution has evolved with everything I have learnt during this past year. It really has been a year of self-discovery. With the anniversary I choose to repost my favourite post from last year: : “Keeping Christmas: The Year COVID stole Christmas, and every joyful celebration”. It is just as relevant for today as it was last year, as we head in for the holidays. A little weary and our…
From overwhelm to self-fulfilment action.
“The day is always his who works with serenity and great aims” – Ralph Waldo Emerson. Like me you might be feeling stressed out at times. Just knowing that you have too much going on at once and there just doesn’t seem to be enough time or hands available to fix everything. Does that sound familiar. For me this feeling of overwhelm keeps coming into my life every now and then. Like an old acquaintance that keeps turning up uninvited at the most inappropriate time. And trying to establish a new career while my soon to be two year old runs all around my feet is defiantly one of those…