
Energy Revolution- 21.12.2020

Celebrating the 1 year anniversary! Tomorrow it will be 1 year since my first post and the creation and birth of Energy Revolution. It has been a busy year, with many distractions. But also many new ideas. And the concept of Energy Revolution has evolved with everything I have learnt during this past year. It really has been a year of self-discovery. With the anniversary I choose to repost my favourite post from last year: :  “Keeping Christmas: The Year COVID stole Christmas, and every joyful celebration”. It is just as relevant for today as it was last year, as we head in for the holidays. A little weary and our patience tested to the limit. A new season with increasing infection rate and new restrictions is not quite what we had wished for this Christmas. But now, more than ever is the time for hope. “Without hope the struggle has won”.  It just reminds us all to surrender to what we can’t control, to connect with each other and remember the importance of unity and collaboration.

If you would like to take a nostalgic look into the archives of last year or you are new to all the posts, take a look at my other favourites:

The process to create change – Energy revolution

Energy matters – Energy revolution

The Feminine Shift – Energy revolution

Reclaiming yourself after the pandemic – Energy revolution

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