
The Feminine Shift

We hear a lot about energy these days, about renewable energy. The dangers and consequences we face with fossil energy, how we all depend on it and are unable to break free from it even though it is largely the main contributor to the climate crise we now face. We talk about the challenges of shifting to green energy, the renewable energy that is less harmful to the planet and humanity. We are in the wake of a tipping point for humanity where the old paradigms and systems can no longer be upheld. My hope is that this is the time when people of all nations, beliefs, genders and ages will open their minds and see that there is something not right with the way we are living. We are living and evolving into the green shift. Today I want to bring focus to another evolution that is simultaneously ongoing. There is something currently happening in our collective consciousness.  Something is stirring underneath the surface, bursting to come out.  What we experience as chaos in the world today is in fact a part of a larger plan. This is nature and the earths response and way of fixing the dysfunctional methods and systems of humanity and bringing everything back into balance. We are in the middle of a coming shift in the world. We are seeing and sensing a rise of the divine feminine energy, an energy that has lain dormant from the collective consciousness for so long. Hidden away or beaten down by the patriarchal structures and not permitted to show its power. The divine masculine and the divine feminine energies reside within every human male or female and every living being. But so often the divine feminine in us is tucked away and kept hidden. 

 These are energies that depend on each other, one does not exist without the other. And when properly balanced they create true inner harmony. But too often they are unbalanced, and we live out of alignment with our true self, becoming unhappy, making wrong choices and not following our true purpose. The divine masculine has long been in a dominant position, and this has substantiated the patriarchal system and structures. The divine masculine is characterized by logic, reason, leadership, action, giving, firm, loyal, adventurous, rational and strength. When the divine masculine becomes the leading energy, we tend to lean towards more aggression and domination. On the other hand, when we are overly led by the divine feminine, we can be disempowered and stuck in stagnation. It is vital that these energies harmonise in balance for the world to evolve in a peaceful and sustainable way. The divine feminine is characterized by intuition, nurturing, healing, compassion, receiving, gentle, expressive, wise, patient, emotional and flexible.  It is this divine feminine energy that will push forward the evolution of humanity. When we acknowledge and embrace the divine feminine energy within us and bring an inner balance between the masculine and the feminine. This is the Feminine Shift. I believe we have the capability to change the world and solve the problems we now face with the pandemic, climate crise and dysfunctional political systems. It is time we all become a part of the solution and the new energy revolution and awaken the Divine Feminine energy within us.

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