Energy matters
Like the cells in our bodies are affected by its surroundings and the signalling it gets from the brain, our brain is also affected by its outer surroundings and the signals or energy it receives. I want to bring focus to the singling our conscious mind receives during a typical day. Does it matter what we listen to, watch on TV, talk about or how we feel? Well, in the concept that everything is energy, all of the above have an energy frequency of its own. And all leaves an impact on its surroundings either positive, neutral or negative; in this case our mind. All this input of different energy…
Everything is energy
Through our senses, of sight, smell, taste, sound and touch we perceive the world in which we live and divide it into that which belong to the physical and non- physical reality. The apples we eat are physical matter while what we are streaming on Netflix is in the realm of energy waves. It was around 1925 that physicists adopted a new view of the physical reality. One that doesn’t view energy and matter as two separates, but as one concept. This new approach became known as quantum mechanics. “Originally, science thought that atoms were made up of smaller particles of matter (electrons, neutrons, and protons), however modern physicists found…
Keeping Christmas: The Year COVID stole Christmas, and every joyful celebration.
To many of us Christmas and New Year’s was different this year. It was celebrated in a quiet manner, in solitude or small numbers. Not what we had planned for and needed after an already though year. As if we were cheated from it. Well, just add it to the pile of occasions and life events that were taken away from us last year. The entire year was different. Nothing got so grand that we were hoping for or expecting. We are experiencing a world pandemic, and “grand” living is not to be expected. But it has been a tough year for us all. And everyone has been affected by…
The process to create change
Changing our unconscious mind sounds like a daunting task, if not impossible. How do we even fix our subconscious mind? It’s not like we can open up the brain and remove and replace all the damaged parts. Changing these hardwired connections in our subconsciousness takes time and a lot of repetition. The goal is to change the underlying program that our subconscious mind runs beneath the surface, and to create new positive programming that overrides the old negative one. To be able to achieve this we need to create new positive habits and thoughts. These will eventually become a pattern and a new program that our unconscious brain run by.…
Beyond positive thinking
A while ago I made a decision to become a more positive and energetic person that enjoys life to its fullest and to live my true purpose. It started out good, I was feeling optimistic and thinking positive and I began to do more of the things I enjoyed. I started feeling more joy and enthusiasm and the small details that used to get me annoyed, angry or sad didn’t seem to have the same impact. Life began to flow more easily, and I began to think I could follow my dream and do the impossible. Somewhere along the way though, things started to go awry, the annoyance came back,…