THE ENERGY REVOLUTION is about bringing awareness to the fact that everything is energy. And how by focusing on our own energy frequency we can change a negative present into a positive and bright future. By shifting our low frequency energy to high vibrational energy, we can start creating a life filled joy and abundance for ourselves and the world.

It is also about reaching our highest potential, not just individually, but as a human species and dealing with the challenges that the world now faces. We are at a tipping point for humanity. My hope is that this is the time when people of all nations, beliefs, genders, and ages will open their minds and see that there is something not right with the way we are living, unaligned and unattached from our heart and the balance of the earth.

We are in the middle of a coming shift in the world. We are in the I the middle of a transformation for humanity where the old paradigms and systems can no longer be upheld. Our collective consciousness is waking, and we are witnessing and sensing a rise of the divine feminine energy, an energy that has lain dormant from the collective consciousness for so long, an energy that embodies everyone, male and female. It is this divine feminine energy that will push forward the evolution of humanity.

 It is time we break free from the old dysfunctional systems and rise to our power. I believe we have the capability to change the world and solve the problems we now face with the climate crise, dysfunctional political systems, and increasing violence. It is time we all become a part of the solution and the new energy revolution.

Energy revolution- Creating your life of purpose and joy through high frequency energy, inner harmony and releasing the patterns and systems that hold you back.